How to clean a ballpoint pen from a white leather sofa

Surely, almost every person has encountered such a problem: a stain from a ballpoint pen remains on a leather sofa. Moreover, this can happen completely suddenly, simply due to one’s own carelessness. And here the question arises, how to clean and how to wipe the handle from a leather sofa, so that not only does not leave a trace, but the upholstery itself does not deteriorate. Fortunately, today there are various methods for eliminating this disease, and this can be done at home, without making any special efforts.

What is most often used

In order to cope with the task and remove ink from a ballpoint pen, you can use both special cleaning products and traditional methods, which have also proven themselves very well. Here are the most effective products:

  • Dishwashing detergent (will only be effective if used immediately);
  • Products containing alcohol, for example, vodka, ethyl or medical alcohol;
  • Glycerol;
  • Milk;
  • Nail polish remover or acetone;
  • Laundry soap;
  • Hair fixation spray.

And, of course, to make your task easier, don’t forget to stock up on a sponge, a medium-soft brush, cotton pads and a soft, dry cloth.


If the ink marks are fresh, then salt is perfect for cleaning furniture or leather clothing. You will need to add a small amount of table salt to the soap solution. Apply the mixture to paste stains and leave for 2 hours. Then wash off the composition with a clean damp cloth, squeezing it thoroughly.

This method can also be used to wipe the handle off the leatherette. But after the procedure, you will need to wipe the cleaned area with glycerin. This will help restore softness to the skin.

You can also prepare a saline solution with the addition of dishwashing detergent. To do this, mix half a glass of water, 1 tablespoon of salt and a drop of dishwashing liquid. The prepared mixture should be foamed and applied to the ink to be removed. Then wait for the material to dry completely and wipe off the remaining cleaning composition with a damp sponge or rag.

We use alcohol

If you don’t know how to wipe a pen off your skin, then one of the easiest and most effective methods is to use alcohol. This substance has been used to remove various contaminants since ancient times. By the way, you can also use cologne or perfume instead. All you have to do is soak a cotton swab in the liquid and begin to gently work it onto the stain. Moreover, try not to touch the “clean areas”, since the alcohol will absorb the ink, and, accordingly, the rest of the fabric may be stained.

It’s worth noting right away that alcohol is one of the best products for cleaning, since it not only neutralizes stains in the shortest possible time, but also does not harm the leather upholstery at all, unlike the same modern stain removers.

It is best used if the sofa has a light shade. You will need to remove stains as follows: soak a suede cloth generously in fatty milk, wring it out lightly and apply it to the problem area. After about 5 minutes, you will need to try to wipe the stain, the movements should be careful and not too intense, otherwise the ink filler will penetrate even deeper. As the rag becomes stained, you will need to rinse it and re-soak it in milk.

The only drawback of this method is that it will take you a lot of time to remove the stain. But at the same time you will definitely not spoil the surface of the upholstery.

Folk remedies in the fight against ink

Improvised substances, or natural ones in other words, give good results in just a few hours, and it should be noted that they do not leave traces of their effects on capricious skin. They are easy to use and are always at hand.


The method of removing ink from a leather surface with salt is very popular among housewives. For this you will need soap, water and salt. First you need to dilute soapy water and wipe the problem area with it, then you need to generously cover the surface with salt and leave for several hours. After time, the salt is removed and the treated area is wiped with a dry cloth. As a result, you get the surface of a leather sofa cleaned of traces of a ballpoint pen; salt will not leave marks on your favorite furniture.

Lemon acid

Citric acid is suitable not only for descaling, but also for cleaning leather products from ink, which housewives struggle so hard with. To remove pen marks, moisten a cloth or cotton swab with citric or acetic acid and thoroughly wipe the stained area.

After this, you need to clean the surface with a soap solution, and then rinse everything off and wipe dry with a cloth. After such simple manipulations, the leather sofa will become clean without traces of the handle.

Baking soda

To clean leather furniture from handle marks, you need to take one teaspoon of baking soda and dilute it in 0.5 liters of warm water. Wet a cloth or cotton swab with the resulting solution and wipe the area with ink from the pen, then rinse everything off with soapy water. At the end, you need to wipe the sofa dry with a cloth and you can forget that there were once traces of a pen on it.

Nail polish remover

Today you can find this product in absolutely every apartment, since not a single woman can imagine her life without a manicure. Keep in mind that this liquid is essentially a solvent, so removing a ballpoint pen stain with it will not be a problem. You will need to apply it in the same way, using a cotton swab, otherwise a huge stain covered with small flakes of loose skin will form on your favorite leather sofa in the shortest possible time. The only advice is that before you begin the actual treatment, do not forget to walk over the problem area with a damp cloth, and then blot it all with a disposable napkin. And after this you can start applying acetone.

Keep in mind that it is not safe to remove stains in this way, since there is a possibility that the cleaned area may become lighter after such exposure. That is why it is necessary to resort to such methods only in extreme cases.

How to remove a pen from artificial leather?

The following substances are most suitable for cleaning artificial leather from ink:

  1. Ammonia is an effective means for cleaning eco-leather. You will need to add 1 tablespoon of ammonia to a glass of water. Use the resulting solution to wipe away the marks left by the pen. If the contamination is not completely removed, you can add 1 teaspoon of soda to the solution. Then remove the remaining mixture with a clean damp cloth. After this procedure, it is worth wiping the area with glycerin. This will help prevent deformation of the leather product or sofa upholstery.
  2. Using alcohol, you can remove fresh ink stains that have formed on leatherette. You can use medical alcohol or vodka. You need to moisten a soft cloth with alcohol and carefully wipe away any traces of paste. Then remove the substance with a clean cloth soaked in water. But it is worth remembering that this method is not recommended for cleaning light-colored leather.
  3. An easy-to-use product - regular hairspray. You just need to spray varnish on the contaminated area. You can immediately notice how the ink began to blur. Then the marks from the pen must be erased with a cotton pad. Such manipulations should be repeated until the stain completely disappears. Then you need to wipe off the remaining varnish with a damp cloth.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap

You can also use it to wash pens and other ink from leatherette. But the result will only be if just a couple of minutes have passed since the contamination. You will need to generously lather a medium-hard brush and carefully walk over the damaged area. At the same time, do not forget to constantly remove excess foam with a regular cotton pad or napkin.

How to act correctly?

It is better to remove pen marks immediately after they appear. If the contamination was noticed too late, or the above methods do not help, then you should contact a dry cleaner.

Always test products on inconspicuous areas first to ensure that the color of the product will not be affected.

Particular care must be taken when using aggressive stain removers. Always wear gloves, protect your eyes, and keep children and animals out of the room.

Popular stain removers for leatherette and eco-leather

There are 3 types of pens that use different inks in their refills.

Types of ink:

  • water-based, easily removed with water;
  • on an oily surface, you will need special products and solvents;
  • gel, the base contains water, which indicates solubility.

Having identified the characteristics of contamination, you should not immediately try all methods; remember a few key rules when working with leather products.

Rules for removing pen marks from furniture:

  1. All products are different and so is leather, what helped in one case, in another may not help and will damage the item. Be sure to test the product on a hidden area.
  2. You should try harmless substances first.
  3. Applying detergents should only be done to dirty areas, without touching other areas.
  4. Do not use a lot of water, this will adversely affect both the upholstery and the internal components.
  5. Do not dry furniture with a hairdryer or other electrical appliances.

Genuine leather is an expensive material that requires especially careful care, but accidents in life cannot be avoided, and, accordingly, the appearance of ink on furniture cannot be ruled out. But after a stain appears, you shouldn’t panic and throw the thing away.

If you notice dye on a product, you should not hesitate; you should immediately begin removing it.

In such an unpleasant situation, there are many removal methods; you just need to make sure that all the components are available at home.

To scrub a stain with salt, it must be on a horizontal surface.

All you need:

  • salt;
  • sponge;
  • soft cloth;
  • a small amount of water.

Steps to remove:

  1. Pour salt onto the contaminated area.
  2. Lightly moisten the salt until it is moist.
  3. Leave the applied mixture for two hours without performing any further operations.
  4. Remove the salt and wipe the surface with a damp sponge; if necessary, you can gently rub the material with force.
  5. Wipe with a dry cloth so that no streaks remain.
  6. To soften the skin, wipe the treated area with glycerin.

Dish soap has many uses, it can help remove grease from fabrics and handles from sofas.

You need to prepare:

  • table salt;
  • detergent or any soap-based composition, preferably light shades;
  • water;
  • glycerol;
  • soft cloth.


  1. Make a soap solution, add 2-3 drops of detergent per 100 milliliters, if the detergent is not very thick, then 5-6 drops can be used.
  2. Add one tablespoon of salt.
  3. Spread the solution on the surface of the sofa and wait until the product dries completely.
  4. Remove excess and wipe; if necessary, you can clean the skin with circular movements.
  5. Wipe dry with a clean cloth; you can moisten the treated area with glycerin.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap is one of the inexpensive and proven stain removers. It can clean a lot of things, including blots on furniture.

Need to:

  • laundry soap;
  • water;
  • sponge;
  • a rag that absorbs moisture well;
  • glycerin or castor oil.

Removal algorithm:

  1. Grind the solid soap and mix with water until a solution of uniform consistency is formed. You can immediately purchase liquid soap.
  2. Apply the mixture onto a sponge and rub the skin with gentle movements.
  3. Wipe the cleaned area with a slightly damp cloth.
  4. Apply oil to moisturize, this will help prevent drying and cracking of the product.

Unfortunately, soap will only help with recently applied stains.

Hydrogen peroxide

One of the effective cleaning methods is peroxide, but it should not be used for dark-colored furniture, but it is perfect for white furniture.

Cleaning method: pour liquid onto cotton wool and apply to ink for 30 minutes.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with How to remove ink from a ballpoint pen

An excellent method for removing stains from skin is cream. In addition to ink, it will also easily get rid of the felt-tip pen.

Which cream to choose:

  • cheaper, since price will not play a role here;
  • the oiliest, which does an excellent job of moisturizing the skin;
  • without unnecessary dyes and additives.

Of course, you can also use glycerin, but its use is advisable for white or light skin.

How to remove ink:

  1. Having chosen a cream, you should apply it with massaging movements onto the contaminated surface.
  2. Continue rubbing until the stain disappears.
  3. Remove excess cream with a cloth towel.

Using nail polish remover is a dangerous method. There is a high probability of damage to the leather product, so under no circumstances begin removal without testing the product in a hidden area.

You need to take:

  • nail polish remover;
  • cotton pad or ear swab (depending on the size of the contaminated area);
  • soap solution;
  • a rag.

How to clean a ballpoint pen from a leather sofa:

  1. Wet the cotton wool and rub the ink.
  2. Wash off the liquid with a damp cloth and soap.
  3. Wipe dry.

Duct tape

To remove a fresh stain from a pen, the simplest solution is adhesive tape. Stick it to the desired area and carefully peel it off. Such actions must be repeated until the dirt completely disappears.

Before using lemon, be sure to test the method on an invisible area.

You will need:

  • lemon or citric acid;
  • rag;
  • water and soap.

Cleansing algorithm:

  1. Dilute citric acid in a ratio of 1 to 2, or squeeze the juice from the fruit. It can also be diluted a little.
  2. Wet a cloth and apply a compress to the product for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Rinse the sofa well and dry it.

Artificial leather differs in its characteristics from natural leather; therefore, to remove stains from these materials, it is necessary to use other means.

Which brands of stain removers are best to choose:

  • product from RUNWAY, can be in the form of foam and liquid;
  • Turtle WAX ​​also comes in two forms;
  • Fill inn for cleaning;
  • Auto Doctor.

When using chemicals, carefully study the method of application and strictly follow the instructions.

The video provides a detailed overview of the effectiveness of these stain removers.

The only solution to remove gel patterns is vinegar.

You will need:

  • metal spoon or small container;
  • vinegar;
  • cotton pad;
  • latex gloves;
  • damp cloth.

Sequence of steps:

  1. Heat the vinegar to 40-50 degrees. It is better to perform all operations with gloves to avoid getting burned.
  2. Dipping a cotton swab into the warm liquid, wipe the area of ​​the blot.
  3. Remove any residue with a wet cloth and let dry at room temperature.

Methods for removing strong ink stains from the skin using aggressive methods are presented in the video.

Once you have determined that the bag is made of genuine treated leather, you can begin to remove ink or pen stains.

Cleaning the Ink Bag
Stationery eraser

With a small superficial stroke of a ballpoint pen, a hard eraser (eraser) helps a lot. Rub the stain with an eraser and rinse the area with a damp cloth.

An equally simple method is to remove the stain with tape. Cut a piece of adhesive tape to the size of the blot and stick it on. Then carefully remove, the ink should remain on the tape.

Liquid soap

How to wipe a pen off a leather sofa: means for removing ballpoint pen ink from eco-leather and leatherette, how to clean it from fabric

If there is a significant spill of ink, after blotting with a napkin, wash the stain with a water solution of liquid soap. Use a sponge to remove any remaining moisture and dry with a dry cloth.

Cleaning the ink bag with liquid soap

Fine salt must be moistened and applied to the dirt. Once dry, simply shake off. Cleaning will take several hours.

Cleaning the ink bag with table salt
Hair fixation spray

Spray hair styling product strictly onto the stain and immediately wipe with a cotton pad. Repeat until the ink disappears. Then wash with soapy water and wipe dry. After such treatment, the skin may suffer. Soften it with cream to avoid peeling.

Soak a cotton pad with alcohol. Carefully remove the ink and wipe with a damp cloth. Protect the dried area from damage with a thick cream.

Cleaning the Ink Bag

Warm the milk slightly. Dampen the sponge and gently scrub the bag. This product will not dry out the skin or change color.

Cleaning ink bags with milk
Lemon acid

Dissolve a teaspoon of powder in a quarter glass of water. Cover the stain with a damp cloth or cotton pad for fifteen minutes. Rinse with clean water. You can use fresh lemon juice.

Carefully! Do not use lemon and its acid on dark skin. Light stains may remain.

Vegetable oil

Oil or any fatty cream works well to dissolve and remove fresh ink stains. Wipe with a dampened cloth in a circular motion until the dirt is removed. There is no need to rinse off additionally.

How to get rid of ink on skin

The easiest method to remove traces of ink from leather is to use soap solutions. However, for old or deep contamination, more aggressive means should be used. Therefore, soap is suitable for removing fresh stains, blots, and drawings. For this:

  1. dissolve a small amount of grated laundry soap in water
  2. then wipe the skin with a sponge with this solution.
  3. The surface is thoroughly cleaned and dirt is quickly removed.

An excellent and proven option is the use of special chemical compounds, but this method is best left for difficult and old stains. The next cleaning method is modern household chemicals, which can handle any stains and dirt, including deeply ingrained and old ones.

Unnatural liquidators

Use them with caution and be sure to follow the instructions.

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Alcohol is good for removing fresh blots. But he copes poorly with the “old people”. You can use both pharmaceutical alcohol and vodka:

  1. You put alcohol into a pipette. Drip onto a cotton swab or soft sponge.
  2. Wipe the dirty places thoroughly (but without unnecessary strain).

If you don't have pharmaceutical alcohol, wipe with strong alcohol.

If you don't have pharmaceutical alcohol, wipe with strong alcohol.

Some people believe that alcohol is harmful to the skin and leaves white spots on it. This is wrong. Only methyl can be inherited, but not ordinary pharmaceutical alcohol or vodka.

Solvents, varnish removers, gasoline and kerosene

Does the dirt from the handle stubbornly remain in place, and you can’t clean it? Well, then there is only one recipe - more hell! The ink is a nightmare and must be destroyed with aggressive chemicals - gasoline, acetone, solvents or varnish removers. But be sure to strictly follow the instructions - then the skin will remain intact:

  1. Lightly moisten a soft cloth with one of the above-mentioned aggressors.
  2. Wipe up stains. Do everything very carefully, do not press, slide along the sofa surface.
  3. Now is the time to take the aggressor out of the game and neutralize it. Do this with a damp cotton swab.

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Cream - cosmetic product

You can quickly remove dirt with the most ordinary cream that you smear on your hands or face. The fatter it is, the better:

  1. Apply cream to the blots. Don't touch it for a few minutes.
  2. You take a cotton swab (preferably a cotton swab) and wash it.

Even in large quantities, sofa leather cream is absolutely safe. Therefore, if necessary, feel free to repeat the procedure.

Hand sanitizer is another skin-safe ink remover. But don’t overdo it, otherwise you’ll have to wash it for a long time.

Glycerin and ammonia

Glycerin is good, but not for all skin. Use it only with light shades. On darkish shades, this transparent viscous liquid leaves autographs - light spots:

  1. Mix glycerin with ammonia. The proportions must be equal.
  2. You apply it to the blots. Don't touch it for 10 minutes.
  3. Wipe with a damp soft sponge.

After chemical treatments, the skin is very dry and may begin to peel or peel. To prevent this from happening, slightly moisten the treated areas with Vaseline or a rich cream.

Car wash product

These products are usually safe for the skin. So feel free to use them.

  1. You apply it and then immediately wipe it off with a soft cloth.
  2. Wash the treated areas well with soapy water.

Repeat the procedure if necessary. Three times will almost certainly be enough to get rid of the ink infection.

When cleaning with chemicals, do not use hard terry cloths or cold water, otherwise cracks may form on the leather.

Nail polish

Hairspray is another quick-acting solution that is safe for sofa surfaces.

  1. Treat the ink with varnish. Do not touch for 2-3 minutes. Important! Hairspray should not be left on the sofa leather for a long time. After just 5-10 minutes it will begin to be absorbed and even carry the ink with it!
  2. Then wipe with a damp soft sponge.
  3. Wash the treated areas with soapy water.
  4. Wipe dry.

Nail polish does a good job of removing ink blots.

Nail polish does a good job of removing ink blots.

Steam cleaners can also do a great job of removing pen marks. They do their job very “gently” and are safe for any type of sofa leather.

Safety Tips

In order for a thing to serve for a long time and please its owners with its appearance, it requires proper care. Let's consider the main points for the long-term service of a leather sofa.

Basic actions:

  1. The furniture is not suitable for kitchen ceremonies; you should not eat or drink tea on it, especially if it is white leather.
  2. Do not neglect protective equipment for such products, despite their high cost, it will be more difficult to buy a new item.
  3. When removing contaminants, be careful and always test in a hidden area.
  4. If the design of the apartment allows it, then it is better to use protective covers.
  5. When choosing a location for furniture, it is worth considering that skin does not like temperature changes, high humidity and direct sunlight. Wiping products should not be done with a wet cloth.
  6. Every two months it is worth rubbing the surface with olive or castor oil.
  7. Do not use rough materials when cleaning the material.

The main rule that will help you quickly and effectively remove ink from leatherette is to start cleaning immediately as soon as you notice or notice contamination. The deeper the paste is absorbed into the pores of the material, the more difficult it is to remove. Old stains are difficult to clean without damaging the skin.

If ink has leaked onto artificial leather, you urgently need to sprinkle the stain with table salt. The salt will absorb excess paste and prevent it from spreading. Natural household products are no less effective than expensive chemical stain removers.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with How to wipe off ballpoint and gel pens from leatherette and leather

Milk, cream, or any detergent can handle small fresh stains.

To learn how to get rid of pen marks on leatherette, see the following video.

How to wipe a pen off a leather sofa: means for removing ballpoint pen ink from eco-leather and leatherette, how to clean it from fabric

Take care of yourself:

  • wear gloves to avoid contamination of your hands;
  • treat the stain from the outer edge to the middle, so it does not spread;
  • do not rub the product used with force, driving the ink even deeper into the skin;
  • If you doubt that you can correct the problem yourself, contact a professional dry cleaner.

Using these folk tips, you will be able to save a leather bag damaged by ink.

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