What is the name of the door curtain made of beads? Decorating the opening with curtains on the door

To make your interior more luxurious, you don’t have to buy expensive furniture or accessories. Often it is enough to make some decoration yourself, which will transform the room. Original curtains made of beads can be easily assembled with your own hands; all you need is care, perseverance and patience. The manufacturing nuances are presented in the article.

Why are ready-made factory products not so popular? This is due to the price of the product: often purchasing raw materials is cheaper. In addition, when working independently, you can turn your own ideas into reality.

Popular types of products

To collect beautiful beaded curtains, you need to buy something from the following list:

  • beads made from materials such as acrylic plastic, stone, crystal, glass, wood, bone;
  • decorative crystals;
  • small objects in which holes can be made;
  • glass beads, beads.

If you want to do something original, a combination of different colors and textures is allowed. The main thing is that the result is not tasteless or pretentious. The curtain should be a decoration of the house, and not an obstacle to free movement around it.

Thread curtains with beads can be different:

  • in the form of arches;
  • in a complex asymmetrical composition;
  • smooth crystal rain to the floor;
  • curved semicircle;
  • panel with ornament.

Such products can make the interior original. Which option is better to choose depends on the style of the room.

Areas of use

Beaded curtains are more suitable for window openings. But with a skillful approach, you can use them to transform any area in a living space. The product may be useful in the following cases:

  1. Curtains made of beads are suitable for a doorway if it is a passageway. The threads must be collected on both sides or in one direction so that the passage is not blocked.
  2. Decoration of balcony doors, walls, niches.
  3. Decorating chandeliers.
  4. Zoning the room into functional areas.
  5. Complementing light textile curtains.

Although window and door curtains are often made from beads, in fact, they can also be used to decorate other parts of rooms. They are used in bedrooms, baths, living rooms, kitchens.

Curtains made of beads can be used to highlight a certain area of ​​the room, placing emphasis on it. This option is suitable for any room. The main thing is that the design and color of the decorations match the interior.

Curtains made of beads - a stylish interior detail

Adding beaded curtains to the interior is the final stage of creating a stylish look that serves as the final touch to the perfect room. Beads made from different materials create different moods in the room:

  • Light and airy glass beads are used to highlight the richness and sophistication of the room.
  • To create an ethno-interior, wooden or wicker beads are suitable.
  • Plastic elements look impressive in a fashionable modern interior.
  • The high-tech interior will be perfectly complemented by metal decorations.


Designers note the permissible freedom not only in color or design, but also in the arrangement of beads for curtains: at a distance from each other or closely.

Making curtains from beads is not a very labor-intensive process, but creative. Creating a spectacular curtain requires not only patience and basic beading skills, but imagination and a sense of style to create an attractive decor.

Designers consider the use of crystal curtains in the interior to be aristocratic chic. Such products look elegant and expensive, fitting perfectly into the modern interior of apartments. Designers allow the use of such curtains to their fullest potential: to decorate a window opening or a decorative arch, as a tool for zoning a room or as decor for a room, in the living room or bedroom, and even in the kitchen.


The light shine of crystal beads in the right lighting can create a light mood in the room: the play of sunlight will be no less impressive than the shine of the beads in the light of lamps.


Depending on the base material, you can choose one of the following styles:

  • glass curtains are ideal for eclecticism and retro tastes;
  • starfish, shells, colored stones are suitable for lovers of sea trends;
  • products made from wooden beads are chosen for interiors in eco- and country style;
  • lovers of romance can choose curtains made of flowers and hearts.

When choosing a harmonious color, it is necessary to take into account not only the compatibility of tones, but also the specifics of the room:

  1. For dimly lit northern rooms, warm shades are more suitable - beige, orange, golden, green.
  2. It is advisable to decorate the children's room with rich colors - red, azure, yellow.
  3. If the room has strong lighting in the southern rooms, then it is advisable to use cool shades - lilac, blue, violet.

To make interior curtains from beads with the effect of flowing water, designers advise choosing transparent parts of different diameters. Drop-shaped products are also suitable.

Making curtains from beads (step-by-step instructions)

Material selection

To create beautiful decorative elements you need to prepare the following materials:

  • beads;
  • fishing line or warp. Fastening on a fishing line is more durable. At the same time, it has advantages when compared with nylon thread. Transparent fishing line looks aesthetically pleasing. It gives airiness. And the thread is visible through the gaps between the pendant elements. In addition, large parts with a large diameter can be strung on colorful ribbons or decorative cord;
  • sharp scissors;
  • cornice;
  • metal rings.

Choosing the right beads is an important task. It all depends on what result you need. Choose the shades you like. You can create interesting patterns from them. They will like this activity: for work they take beads from wood, crystal, stone, glass, polymer clay and even colored paper.

Finding ready-made sketches for curtains is not at all difficult. The main thing is to make the right choice, which will allow you to maintain the design of the room in the same style. The following solutions are available:

  1. Curtains made of wooden beads allow you to create a cozy atmosphere designed in country style or natural eco-style. Regardless of the ornament, they are in perfect harmony with pieces of furniture and decoration;
  2. The floral pattern makes it possible to create a wonderful curtain instead of doors. Floral motifs are suitable for panoramic French windows.

Assembling the curtains

To make a bead curtain with your own hands, complete all the necessary preparations:

  1. Enlarge the embroidery pattern so that it is easier to work on;
  2. Count out the required number of elements;
  3. Using scissors, cut as many pieces of fishing line or thread as required according to the pattern you have chosen;
  4. String decorative elements onto fishing line or thread;
  5. Use heavy beads at the bottom of the structure, then the curtain hangs evenly.

If you need clearance between the beads, use special metal crimps instead of knots: they do not move when clamped with pliers.

Curtain fastening

  1. Drill holes in the pre-prepared strip. You need a strong frame bar to support beaded curtains. The pitch between the drilled holes should not be less than the width of the beads. To ensure that the curtain hangs freely, make an additional indent of 2 mm;
  2. Reliable fastening is provided by a loop that fixes the location of the element. To make it, you will need to thread the thread or fishing line through the bead twice.

To turn out beautiful, the creators of masterpieces will need to be patient. You will have to spend a lot of time creating a panel with a pattern. But the result is worth it. A DIY curtain made of beads will become a kind of business card for your home. Handicraft involves the realization of incredible fantasies and innermost desires. It is up to you to add an attractive twist to the design of your favorite home.

A touch of individuality and style in the interior are beaded curtains that can complement and make any room more stylish. Light and elegant curtains made of beads highlight any interior: multi-colored or transparent beads not only make an effective decor, but also add light to the room. Depending on the choice of beads - be it large glass drops or massive wooden rings - you can create a special image of the interior, adding to it the lightness of water drops or national African flavor.

Rules of care

Factory-made and home-made products do not require special care. It is only necessary to periodically clean them from dust. If there is severe contamination, then a soft rag and a weak soap solution are required. The exception is wooden products, which must be wiped with a slightly dampened cloth and then with a dry paper towel. Do not use strong chemicals.

Features of products made from wooden beads

Curtains made of wooden beads are often used for doorways. Such products are suitable for creating an interior in ethno style. These curtains can give the room an African touch. For this, small and large beads of different shapes and colors are used.

You can make such products yourself. When installing curtains on the door, you should be prepared that they will get tangled. It is necessary to untangle them carefully so as not to damage the threads, and then hang them in their original form.

Making curtains from beads (step-by-step instructions)

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Material selection

To create beautiful decorative elements you need to prepare the following materials:

  • beads;
  • fishing line or nylon thread for the base. Fastening on a fishing line is more durable. At the same time, it has advantages when compared with nylon thread. Transparent fishing line looks aesthetically pleasing. It gives airiness. And the thread is visible through the gaps between the pendant elements. In addition, large parts with a large diameter can be strung on colorful ribbons or decorative cord;
  • sharp scissors;
  • cornice;
  • metal rings.

Choosing the right beads is an important task. It all depends on what result you need. Choose the shades you like. You can create interesting patterns from them. Creative people will love this activity: for work they use beads made from wood, crystal, stone, glass, polymer clay and even colored paper.

Bright beads

Whatever combination you prefer, it will always remain a winner. These can be small round objects, “droplets”, cylinders and other geometry. A touch of sophistication is easy to find in Swarovski crystals. Large beads will help to dilute the beads. Bugle beads, brightly colored buttons and acrylic details are a chance to turn your house into a fabulous palace of the padishah.

Pattern selection

To make curtains made of beads into real masterpieces, take ready-made cross stitch patterns; for the future design, you should take balls of the same size and shape.

Finding ready-made sketches for curtains is not at all difficult. The main thing is to make the right choice, which will allow you to maintain the design of the room in the same style. The following solutions are available:

  1. Curtains made of wooden beads allow you to create a cozy atmosphere designed in country style or natural eco-style. Regardless of the ornament, they are in perfect harmony with pieces of furniture and decoration;
  2. The floral pattern makes it possible to create a wonderful curtain instead of doors. Floral motifs are suitable for panoramic French windows.
  1. beads are a wonderful decoration for doorways. If a door between rooms is not needed, then this is a way to separate the rooms from each other;
  2. beads look exclusive on the window;
  3. This is a handmade screen that divides the interior space into zones;
  4. This airy curtain is used as a complement to light curtains;
  5. Handmade crafts will decorate chandeliers and other items.

any housewife will do it if she knows what is needed for this. There are different types of curtains. Some, like crystal rain, fall like a continuous curtain to the floor. Others differ in shape: arched, curved semicircular. Still others are panels with drawings. A curtain made of beads can be used regardless of its purpose. Decorate the kitchen, children's room, living room, bathroom, hallway. For lovers of oriental style, a sea of ​​opportunities for experimentation opens up. Decorative curtains made of beads fit perfectly into the design of any room. The chosen solution will help you get away from dullness in the decor. You won't find anything like this among your neighbors or friends. Curtain options for the kitchen can be short. They do not reach the window sill in length.

Decorating fabric curtains

Beads can be used to decorate fabric curtains. To do this, you can sew small glass items around the entire perimeter of the product. The decor of one color is suitable, which will allow you to accentuate the details of the curtain. But you can use multi-colored beads, doing something like embroidery.

Collected pendant beads are attached to the bottom of a short curtain, creating an original continuation. This type of decoration is suitable for products up to the window sill and shorter. Therefore, if you have curtains at home, they can be easily transformed if you use suitable beads.

What do you need for work?

As you can see from the photo, beaded curtains look great in the interior. For quick assembly, you need to do the following work in advance:

  1. Measure the parameters of the opening or area on the wall that will be decorated.
  2. Determine the size and characteristics, external design of the beads, create a sketch that will allow you to calculate the required amount of materials.
  3. If you want to make a movable beaded panel, you can take special patterns, for example, those used in cross stitch.
  4. Select an acceptable type of fastening.
  5. Buy materials with a reserve.

In order for string curtains with beads to hang evenly, there must be a weight at the tip of each element, for example, a larger bead or the same size, but made of a different material. For stringing, a fishing line is purchased, the parameters of which are determined by the nature of the selected material: the more complex the composition, the heavier it will be. Silk or nylon threads, braided cords, elastic bands, and metal wires serve as an excellent base.

Rope curtains, as well as products with satin ribbons, look original. In these cases, large elements are used and strung at a considerable distance from each other. To fix the part on the base, one of the following techniques can be used:

  1. Using special metal clamps and crimps, they are secured near the parts and secured with pliers.
  2. Using knots on both sides.
  3. Thanks to the formed loops, the fishing line is threaded into the channel 2 times and tightened.

The first 2 methods are considered more reliable, with them there is a guarantee that the drawing will not go astray in the future. In case 3, the parts are movable, it is possible to adjust the ornament, but the original idea may be spoiled.

Interesting doorway design ideas

Pendants are suitable for decorating any room. But it is especially interesting to choose curtains for a room decorated in an unusual style. Then the decor of the doorway can be supplemented with accessories such as textile insects, metal disks, coins, etc.

Shells and sea pebbles will be a good decoration for pendants in a room with a marine interior. Large multi-colored buttons can be used to decorate the entrance space in a children's room. Tassels on threads create a light atmosphere of romance. And the intricate pattern, when the threads overlap each other, will add mystery to the atmosphere.

We are used to decorating our windows in a standard way, using blinds or curtains made of fabric. But there is another option that we often forget about - hanging curtains.

In our houses and apartments there are a lot of rooms where family members are located. Sometimes the space is not enough to feel private, and then we begin to zone the room, clearly dividing it into two halves. Sometimes it looks appropriate, and sometimes it does not harmonize with the overall style. An excellent way to zone a space without unnecessary investments and lengthy repairs is to buy a hanging curtain, the photo of which you see below.

Use Cases

This type of curtain will fit perfectly into any room, giving it a special touch.

  1. Design of doorways. Now many people refuse interior doors, believing that they clutter up the space and separate family members from each other, although the original purpose of the house is unification. By hanging light pendants in the doorway, you will not burden the space and at the same time remind you that this is your room. Often such curtains are used to decorate the veranda at the dacha or at the entrance to the living room.
  2. Windows decorated with this type of curtains look completely different. They let in more light, do not darken the room, and at sunrise or sunset they sparkle like beads, creating fancy patterns on the floor and walls.
  3. Cafes and restaurants that use hanging curtains for doorways receive more positive reviews from visitors. This new, fashionable and completely simple solution helps attract customers.
  4. To create a romantic atmosphere, these curtains are perfect! In addition to the mesmerizing reflections, they emit a pleasant ringing sound, which, in combination with the evening atmosphere and candles, brings a completely new sensation.

What type of interior are they suitable for?

These curtains will fit into any room, giving it an elegant look.

For those who love bright colors and paints, as well as unusual solutions, curtains made of threads and beads are suitable. You can also use braid and braiding techniques. This way the curtains will look original and especially attractive.

In a more formal interior, you can hang pendants made from black and white threads or beads strung on a fishing line. You can even create a unique installation - a piano or a Japanese symbol.

For a nautical and minimalist style, curtains made from simple rope at the height of the opening are suitable. At the ends of the rope you can make knots reminiscent of a sea knot or tassels using multi-colored beads, bugles and other decorative elements.

These curtains will fit perfectly into the country style, for which simplicity and naturalness, closeness to lightness and natural beauty are the main features.

Materials for production

To make hanging curtains with your own hands, they use beads, beads and wood, but you can also use non-standard materials in the form of old CDs, metal chains and even paper clips. Curtains made from such materials will fit perfectly into the room of a teenager who does not accept anything old and classic, or in a room with a high-tech style.

Where are the materials sold?

Materials can be ordered in an online store, or you can purchase them yourself, but select them in such a way that they harmoniously combine with the overall composition of the curtains and the style of the room.

We advise you to pay attention to rope curtains, they are somewhat similar to each other, but have a number of distinctive features, which you will learn about after reading the article. Perhaps this option will suit you better.

How to make?

You can make homemade hanging curtains by involving your children and husband in the work. This exciting activity will captivate all family members and allow them to show their imagination.

  1. Making a strip on which the curtains are attached, but before that you need to decide where they will be placed - in the doorway or on the window.
  2. Attach the rail with self-tapping screws or bolts, but you can also use double-sided tape or adhesive tape.
  3. Decorate the rail with adhesive paper, paint or varnish.
  4. Instead of a batten, you can also use a plinth.
  5. Prepare material for attaching decorative elements - threads, fishing line. A fishing line is best because it enhances the effect of floating in the air.
  6. Place beads of different sizes on the fishing line one at a time, but remember their location if you want to achieve a symmetrical pattern. Don't forget to leave some fishing line for hanging from the rail.
  7. The only way to string beads onto a fishing line is to make a knot after each bead. This is necessary to prevent the beads from falling out or twisting.
  8. It is best to assemble the curtain on a rail. To do this, first pass the fishing line, and then start stringing each part, so you will better see whether the parts are located symmetrically or not.

Manufacturing and fixing

It is necessary to choose a convenient option for mounting the structure in a window or doorway. Typically a curtain rod with curtain rings is used. Often slats with holes are used through which the fishing line is passed. If you want to fix each finished thread separately, it is advisable to hammer small stationery nails with beautiful heads into the jamb. The most mobile is method 1 - then the curtain can be quickly removed and moved to a convenient place.

As an example, you can use a rack connection and, based on it, consider the process of assembling the product:

  1. The rail for products that are installed on the door exceeds the width of the opening by 10 cm. Between the holes there should be 1.5 times the diameter of the large bead used. The margin of the edges of the frame is 5-6 cm.
  2. In order for the drawing to be accurate, you must first draw up a sketch with markings of colors, the order of beads and the distance between them.
  3. It is necessary to cut the fishing line to the required length, and if a loop or knot fastening is used, then the allowance should be from 60 cm.
  4. Assembly must be done from below.
  5. As the line is filled, it is fixed to the rail, and then the composition is mounted in the opening.

Curtains made of beads are an original addition that suits any room style. A variety of colors, textures and materials will help highlight the interior. To decorate the room to your liking, it is advisable to make such curtains yourself. An original composition can decorate a room and make it more comfortable.

Types and purpose of pendants

Door hangers serve more of a decorative function than a functional one. Where there is no door or thick curtains, you can fill the opening with curtains of this type. In connected rooms or large living spaces, this is also an original way of zoning.

Today, the most common hanging curtains for doorways are:

  • Plastic curtains. Their advantage lies in their affordable price, light weight and variety of design solutions. However, such curtains are not strong and durable.

  • Glass curtains. Glass pendants are more expensive and heavier than their plastic counterparts, but they will last longer if they are made of high-quality materials. They also look richer and more sophisticated. It looks beautiful when the beads and various elements of the curtains are asymmetrical and hung in a chaotic manner.

  • Bamboo curtains. This model of curtains consists of wooden tubes that are strung on a thread. The tubes can be different in length and color. Bamboo hanging curtains are good because they are made from natural material, are affordable, successfully complement wooden furniture and fit well into almost any interior style. Also, door curtains made of bamboo will protect from the penetration of sunlight.

  • Thread curtains. Thread hanging curtains in the doorway are a type of muslin that are hung on windows. Thread curtains consist of narrow strips of fabric, twisted ropes or ribbons. They are often decorated with beads, glass beads, fabric, metallized or plastic accessories.

More and more often in stores you can see hanging curtains made from several materials at once. Plastic beads go well with glass beads. And on thread curtains, shiny multi-colored stones look bright and elegant. With the help of such original combinations you can add charm to any interior. And you don’t need to limit yourself to choosing just one type of curtains.

Tips for choosing

The most durable are wooden pendants. They are easy to care for and do not deteriorate from the sun or temperature changes. The hardest part to attach these curtains to is above the doorway.

It is better to choose plastic curtains for those rooms that are used less frequently than others. In the kitchen or nursery, such curtains will not last long. Of the plastic models for such rooms, only shortened versions of curtains should be used.

Thread curtains are inexpensive, but do not last long. Their main disadvantage is the need for frequent maintenance. It is not enough to simply wipe such curtains with a damp cloth or napkin. They need to be removed regularly and completely washed. In addition, they quickly fade in the sun.

Although pendants are suitable for many spaces, it is necessary to consider the color and design of the model so that it fits well into the interior. For rooms decorated in a modern style, light fabric hanging curtains in soft colors are best suited. Models made from natural fabrics are best used in the living room or bedroom. And for any style of kitchen, models made of artificial material are suitable.

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