How to make your own candles at home. DIY New Year's candles: step-by-step instructions. Make your own wax candles step by step with photos. Master classes on how to make different candles: from paper, from old ones

How to make a candle at home - necessary materials

Before you start pouring candles, prepare the necessary materials. It's not just wax and molds. It is important to choose the right wick, various flavors and special dyes.

DIY candles. What is the base for candles?

The main materials for candles are beeswax, soy wax, wax, gel, and paraffin.

  • Wax. This material is a natural component for making candles. It can be identified by the characteristic crackling sound during combustion and the smell. Wax candles are not only an expensive decorative item, but also useful. It contains no harmful additives; it is lit for viral diseases and to purify the air.
  • wax. Candles made from wax are becoming increasingly popular. This is pressed beeswax in the form of a honeycomb pattern. Candles made from it are stored for a very long time and are of high quality. At the same time, wax is an expensive material for making candles.
  • Soy wax. The most popular candle mass, which is made from soybeans. A natural and inexpensive base, burns longer than paraffin, is safe during use, and is easily washed off with warm water.
  • Paraffin. Paraffin candles are one of the inexpensive decors. Petroleum products are used as a basis. The candles are white and odorless. Paraffin is often used as a base for scenting candles.
  • Gel. Transparent candles with decor inside are gel candles. They are safe to burn, do not form streaks, burn for a long time, have no pungent odor, and are cheap. Working with the gel mass is quite convenient and simple. It is important to note that the gel does not hold its shape, so it is used to fill the case.

How to make or prepare a mold for casting a candle with your own hands

  • The case for filling candles allows you to create a variety of shapes. To cast candles, any metal or silicone molds are suitable, even plastic cups, juice or yogurt packaging. In general, any form from which you can get frozen wax.
  • It is most practical to pour candles into glass molds or glasses. Through them you can see the pattern and color of the wax. Some needlewomen use a tea set, small vases or bowls instead of a form. They can be reused for filling candles.
  • For lovers of a romantic atmosphere, you can pour hot paraffin into metal bottle caps.
  • Well, if you don’t have any case at hand, then take citrus fruit peels or eggshells. Jars are also suitable as a mold for making candles.

How to make a candle wick with your own hands - step by step photos

  • For candles to burn, they must have a wick. You can take a ready-made one from already melted candles or make it yourself.
  • Most often, the wick is made of strong threads. Twist several pieces together or braid them. Instead, use a thin cord for the wick. Melt some wax and dip the threads into it. After a few minutes, remove the cord and leave the product to harden.

  • The wick should be stable with a small weight at the bottom. To do this, purchase special metal blanks for casting candles in stores. Insert the prepared wick into the base and clamp.

  • Before installing it, place it in a mold and pour some wax into it. Wait until it hardens. Only then start pouring the candle mass.

  • An alternative to threads would be wood. Wood wicks are suitable for any candle base, have a longer burning life and will complement the aroma of the candle with a woody scent. Prepare the wooden slats. Be sure to measure its height depending on the size of the mold.

  • Pour 50 ml into a separate bowl. olive oil, dip the wooden pieces into it. Leave them to soak for half an hour. Then remove and pat dry with paper towels.
  • Clamp the metal wick tabs on each rail. Secure the blank to the bottom of the mold with wax glue or hot wax.

Choosing a scent for a candle

  • To fill the room with different aromas, fragrance is added when pouring candles. Use essential oils as a natural base, either individually or in combination with each other. In addition to oils, coffee beans, dried citrus fruit slices, and spices are widely used.
  • Adding an aromatic component to wax will achieve the desired emotional effect or disinfect the air.

Advice. If you want to achieve a more intense aroma from a lit candle, then add more aromatherapy oils into the hot wax.

Adding dyes to a homemade candle

  • Dyes give the candle different shades. They do not affect the quality of combustion, they only add color to the wax. You can add one color or several to create a design. Food coloring cannot be used to fill candles, as they are water-based.

Advice. Special wax dyes can be replaced with oil paints or wax pencils.

Additional tools for candles at home

  • Any candle base must be melted at low temperature using a water bath. Therefore, you will need two containers. In addition, prepare scales to accurately determine the amount of base, a knife with a grater to chop it.
  • You will also need a thermometer to measure the temperature of the candle base. To secure the wick to the edge of the mold, you will need a wooden skewer or a regular pencil.
  • When you have prepared all the materials and tools, it’s time to start pouring the candles. The type of base you use will determine how you make your candles.

How to make a candle from natural wax at home with your own hands - photo

The most popular material for filling candles at home is beeswax. A cheaper substitute is paraffin and soy candle mass.

  • First prepare your work surface. Droplets of hot wax will ruin any coating. Therefore, cover the table with paper. Additionally, take a towel or oven mitts to avoid getting burned on the hot pan.
  • Carefully inspect the molds into which you plan to pour the candle mass. Since you will be pouring hot wax into them, any crack or chip can lead to burns.
  • Clean the molds from dirt - rinse them under running water.

  • Place the glass blanks on a baking sheet and heat them in the oven at a low degree. Leave in this position until the temperature of the walls rises above room temperature. The wax must be poured into warm and dry molds to avoid bubbles forming in the mixture.

  • Attach the wicks to the bottom of the mold in the center. To install them on the surface, dip each wick into hot wax, let it harden slightly and press it to the bottom.

  • As the wax hardens, the thread may fall off. Fix it at the level of the top edge of the mold using wooden skewers or wrap it around a handle.

  • Cut the base into small pieces or grate it. This will allow it to melt more evenly. Transfer the wax to a measuring cup.
  • Make a steam bath. To do this, fill a metal bowl with water and place it on the stove. Place a vessel with wax in it. Do not bring the liquid to a boil - the wax needs to melt at a low temperature. Constantly stir the candle mass with a wooden skewer so that all the pieces melt evenly.

  • Monitor the temperature of the hot wax. It should not exceed 80 degrees.

  • To add color to the wax mixture, add crushed dye. Check the intensity of the color by applying a drop of wax to the paper. If necessary, add colorant for intensity or wax for a lighter shade.
  • If you decide to make scented decor, then it's time to add essential oils. For every 450 g of candle mass, use no more than 10 drops of oil.
  • Carefully pour the hot mixture into the prepared container. Do not rush, otherwise bubbles will form inside when it hardens. Keep the wick in the center.

  • Do not pour wax all the way to the edge of the mold. When you light the candle, the melted wax will overflow.

  • During hardening, depressions and voids may form. Melt some of the mixture and pour it on top of the frozen mass.

  • Leave the wax to harden. The time for complete hardening depends on the quality of the material you used to fill the candle. Then trim the wick.

How to make a gel candle at home - photo

One of the brightest decor options are gel candles. Making them with your own hands is much easier than making them with wax.

  • Place a wick at the bottom of the mold. Be sure to secure it to the surface so that it does not fall. Place decor on top: shells, colored sand, pebbles.

  • Grind the gel, then melt it over low heat. Stir the mixture frequently to obtain a homogeneous mass. Monitor the temperature of the gel, otherwise it will become cloudy when it hardens. To remove bubbles from the mixture, leave it in the oven for 5 minutes. Or stir the hot gel vigorously to form large quantities.

  • Using a plastic spoon, transfer the gel into the mold. Work quickly as the gel mixture hardens very quickly. Secure the wick with two skewers or handles.

  • After the gel has completely hardened, cut the thread. Its length above the candle should not exceed 1 cm. This is enough for the gel to begin to melt and there is a small flame.

Beautiful DIY gel candles: shapes, ideas

Candles made from transparent gel in glass containers turn out very beautifully. Especially if they are decorated with various decorative elements.

Gel candle

Materials, tools:

  • gel wax or gelatin base, glycerin
  • wick
  • glassware
  • dyes
  • container for heating gel wax


  1. Prepare a base of 12 ml glycerin, 2 grams of tannin. By dissolving tannin in heated glycerin.
  2. Add another 15 ml of glycerin and 5 g of gelatin to the composition. Continue heating.
  3. Then pour in 20 ml of water.
  4. Let the mixture simmer gently until the water evaporates completely.
  5. Create a suitable decor in glassware.
  6. Attach the wick in the middle.
  7. Fill everything with base.
  8. For a pleasant aroma, you can add aromatic oils to the mixture.

How to make a wax candle with your own hands with photos

Candles made from wax foundation look original. They can also be made at home, and there is no need to heat the base. These candles can be lit immediately after they are made.

  • Determine the size of the decor. Depending on it, cut the foundation. Usually this is a rectangle, the length of which is the thickness of the candle, and the height is equal to its size.

  • Cut the wick to the height of the mold. Place it on the edge of the wax, then lightly press along the entire length.
  • Prepare aromatic additions. You can use wormwood powder or spices. Dyes and flavoring are not needed, since wax is a natural component that has a rich aroma. Brush the mixture onto the inside of the wax sheet.
  • Start twisting the foundation from the side where the thread is located. Try to align the edge as much as possible so that the candle has an even base.

How to make a candle using wax pencils with your own hands with photos

One easy and fun way to fill candles is to use wax crayons. You can make them with your children.

  • Remove the packaging from the crayons and cut into small pieces.

  • Transfer them to plastic cups.
  • Microwave for 1 minute on medium power. Stir the mixture.

  • Glue the wick to the bottom of the jar and secure it with a pencil.

  • Pour hot colored wax into the bottom of the jar. Leave the liquid to harden.
  • Then heat each color of wax crayons one by one and pour it on top of the frozen mixture.
  • When all layers have hardened, shorten the wick. Now the candle can be used.

Beautiful candles with coffee beans with your own hands: ideas, shapes

A candle decorated with coffee beans will look very stylish. Moreover, making such a masterpiece will not be difficult. Coffee beans can be attached to the candle itself if they are fried in a frying pan. When hot, they will stick well to the paraffin.

Candlesticks made from coffee beans for candles

You can make candles with a candle holder from coffee beans and another method. For this:

  1. Take candle molds of different diameters. Insert one into another form.
  2. Place coffee beans between them.
  3. Fill them with paraffin.
  4. Wait for it to harden. Heat the top mold with a hairdryer. This is done so that excess paraffin escapes from the coffee beans.
  5. Release the middle mold.
  6. Insert the wick thread and secure it with a drop of paraffin.
  7. Fill the entire space with paraffin melted in a water bath.
  8. When the candle hardens, remove the mold.

How to make a decorative citrus candle at home with photos

In the absence of a special base for casting candles and a case, use improvised materials. For example, tangerines and olive oil.

  • Cut off a circle of peel from the base of the fruit. Carefully separate it. If you can't do it with your hands, then use a tablespoon.

  • Slowly dip a spoon between the tangerine pulp and the shell. Scroll it around, thereby freeing the peel.

  • Do not remove the core, it will serve as a wick for the candle.

  • Pour olive oil inside the fruit mold. Dip the tip of the core into the oil for a few seconds, then set it on fire.

  • The empty peel can also be filled with candle mass and dyes can be added. Do not use flavorings, as the shell of the fruit has a strong odor.

How to make a scented coffee candle with your own hands - photo

If you don't have essential oils on hand, use regular coffee as a flavoring agent. It can be added to the candle mass, both in a ground state and in grains. Also, in its entirety, you can decorate the candle on top of the wax as decoration.

Take the following materials and tools:

  • any wax;
  • disposable paper cup;
  • coffee grounds;
  • wick, scissors;
  • paper towels;
  • container for melting wax;
  • skewer or spoon.


  • Cut the candle base into small pieces or grate it. Transfer to a metal container. Fill a large saucepan with water to half its volume and place it on the stove. While the water is boiling, reduce the heat and place a bowl of wax on top.
  • When the candle mass begins to melt, start stirring it. Do this until the wax turns clear. But do not let it boil, otherwise the structure of the base will be damaged. The whole process will take you about 5 minutes.

  • The form for pouring candles can be a disposable cup. But choose it on paper so that it is easy to tear later. Dry dishes thoroughly with paper towels. The inside of the glass must be completely dry.
  • Prepare the wick. You can make it yourself or buy it ready-made. Secure it to the bottom of the mold. If you want to add used coffee grounds as a flavoring, then pour them onto a napkin and blot well. This will remove excess moisture from the mass. For freshly ground coffee, this action is not necessary. Pour a tablespoon of coffee into the bottom of the glass.

  • Carefully pour the hot wax. Fill the form halfway. Do not mix the base with coffee; it should remain at the bottom. Let the mixture harden.

  • Then pour the ground coffee back into the mold. Spread it evenly over the surface of the hardened wax.
  • Warm up the remaining wax base and pour on top. Let the candle harden. This will take you about 2 hours.

  • To remove the candle from the mold, carefully cut the paper cup and tear it apart with your hands. If necessary, trim the wick.

  • A scented candle can also be decorated with whole grains. To do this, cover the table with cling film or a bag and tilt the candle. Pour melted wax on top of it and attach the grains to it. As you add decor, wrap the candle in a bag.

  • Once the candle is completely covered with coffee beans, leave the wax to harden. After this, remove the bag. While the candle burns, you can enjoy the smell of coffee.

DIY candle decor: decorate a finished candle

The original decor of the candle will be to put a photograph on it. A similar DIY decor element will give your home a cozy atmosphere.

Candle with a printed photo

For this you will need:

  • ready-made wax candle;
  • tracing paper or tissue paper;
  • paper for printer;
  • wax paper;
  • tape, scissors, printer and hair dryer.

Step 1

Select the photo you want to put on the candle. Attach a sheet of tracing paper to a piece of printer paper using tape.

Prepare printer paper and tracing paper

Step 2

Print the photo. To do this, insert the paper into the printer so that the photo is printed on tracing paper. Peel the tracing paper from the paper and cut out the image, leaving a small white border around the photo.

Cut out the image

Step 3

Wrap the candle tightly in wax paper and heat the image with a hairdryer.

Avoid Creases

Step 4

Warm up until the photo is clear and bright.

Warm the candle well with a hairdryer

Step 5

Carefully peel off the wax paper. The candle with original decor is ready!

Remove wax paper

Advice! In a similar way, you can decorate a candle with any printed image. Or you can put your own drawing, pattern, inscription, wish on tracing paper.

Some more ideas for decorating a candle:
  • painting with acrylic paints or sugar mastic;

Creative bright candles

  • wrapping with fabric, lace or burlap;
  • applications with dried flowers;

A candle wrapped in rope will be a wonderful element of your interior decor.

Dried flower decor

  • decorating with glitter using glue or double-sided tape;
  • decor of the container in which the candle is located.

Decorate the container with the candle with a sprig of rosemary or thuja

Use glitter or sequins for decoration

Marine themed candle decor

How to make a New Year's candle with your own hands - photo

Everyone is looking forward to New Year's miracles. For this holiday you need unusual candles that can be made from ice. Such New Year's decor will decorate not only the street, but also the festive table.

Materials for work:

  • two glass forms of different sizes;
  • spruce or fir branches;
  • orange, blueberry and cranberry;
  • masking tape;
  • boiled water;
  • decorative candles.

How to make Christmas candles with your own hands:

  • Purified water must be boiled and cooled. Carefully drain the water so that no sediment gets into the liquid. This must be done if you want to get clear ice candles. If you fill it with regular tap water, then the ice walls will turn out cloudy.
  • Using this technology, you can make several candles with different decor. First, try making a simple candle. Take two containers of different sizes, but such that the smaller dishes fit inside the larger bowl.
  • Fill a large bowl halfway with water. Place a container of smaller diameter on top. Secure the edges with masking tape. This way your base will be placed in the center.

  • Cut sprigs of fir, juniper or spruce into small pieces. Carefully place them in the water between the sides of the containers.

  • Cut the orange into circles, each of which is also lowered into water. Unfold it along the surface of the dish.
  • For the next ice candle option, first fill the bottom of a large bowl with branches and berries, then carefully pour in water. Also place a small container on top and secure it with tape.

  • Place branches with the remaining berries on the sides. Blueberries will sink to the bottom, and cranberries, on the contrary, will float. To eliminate this, glue them to the branches. Then immerse in water.

  • Now you need to cool the liquid. Place the pieces on the snow or place them in the freezer.

  • After the water turns into ice, remove the molds. To easily remove candles from the dishes, let the ice melt a little. Place the ice decoration outside, decorate it with branches and place a decorative candle inside.

How to make a candle in a mug or glass with your own hands - photo

If you like to light candles at home, then you end up with a lot of candle stubs left over. Don't rush to throw away the leftovers. The wax can be melted down and made into a new candle, the shape of which can be an old mug or even a glass.

To work you will need:

  • heat-resistant forms: mugs, glasses or jars;
  • soy wax;
  • finished wick;
  • glue gun;
  • scales, measuring cup;
  • large saucepan, bowl;
  • wax preparation bowl;
  • spoon, pastry thermometer;
  • paper towels;
  • electrical tape, scissors;
  • flavorings.

Operating instructions:

  • If you use molds from old candles, they must be cleaned before use. To quickly remove wax, place the container in hot water for a few seconds. Then dry with paper towels.

  • For ordinary dishes, it will be enough to wash them with detergent. But the remaining liquid should be thoroughly wiped off, as moisture will contribute to the formation of voids on the candle.
  • To determine the amount of wax for one candle, use water. Pour it into the pan, then pour it into a measuring cup. This way you will avoid wasting wax.

  • Soy wax is the same weight as water. Therefore, calculating the required amount of candle mass is very simple. Weigh the water without container. Place the empty container on the scale, reset it to zero and add grated wax.
  • Fill the pan with water, bring to a boil, then reduce heat. Pour the candle base into a jug or other container with a thick bottom. Carefully lower the container of wax into the boiling water. After 5-7 seconds, lift and stir.

  • Then lower again for a short time, lift and stir. When the mass begins to acquire a transparent color, you should begin to measure the temperature so as not to overheat the wax mixture. Preheat it to 85 degrees.
  • Before adding flavors, the mass must cool to 60 degrees. This way the aroma will be distributed evenly and will not evaporate ahead of time. Pour in the required amount of essential oil. You can add a combination of oils if you are confident in the final blend of scents.
  • While the wax mass is cooling, secure the wick to the center of the bottom of the mold. Use super glue or a glue gun for this. Choose an elastic wick with a thick base, since there will be a lot of wax in the mug and it should burn slowly.

  • To keep the wick in the middle of the candle case, secure it with electrical tape. Cut a small strip, fold it in half and cut a small hole. Pass the wick through it, and glue the edges of the tape to the sides of the container.

  • Slowly pour the melted wax into the mug. This will prevent bubbles from forming on the candle. Let the bowl with the mixture cool, then cut off the excess part of the wick.

  • Candles should only be lit when the wax has completely hardened. You can use any container as a form for decoration.

How to make candles with an openwork pattern inside with your own hands - photo

An unusual openwork pattern is created inside the candle using ice cubes. Although such decor is beautiful, it burns quickly. You can make an unusual candle at home.

Necessary materials:

  • paraffin candles;
  • wax pencils;
  • ice, knife;
  • terry towel;
  • spoon for stirring wax;
  • melting container;
  • disposable tableware;
  • paper towels.

Description of work:

  • The form for the candle in this master class is a disposable cup. But you can use any container, even an empty juice box. Wipe it with paper towels. From one candle, cut a shape equal to the height of the glass and set it aside.
  • Cover the work surface with newspapers or unnecessary oilcloth so that the hot mixture does not spoil it. Cut the remaining candles into pieces. At the same time, try to get the wick.
  • Prepare a water bath. Pour water into a large saucepan and heat it. Place a metal container of smaller diameter inside. Pour chopped paraffin into it.

Important! Paraffin easily catches fire, so observe personal and general safety precautions while working. It should also be noted that this material cannot be melted in a microwave oven. If you have a fire, then cover the fire with baking soda rather than pouring water on it.

  • Finely grate the wax pencil. To get a more saturated color of the candle, add a large amount of colored chalk.

  • When the paraffin melts, pour in the dye and stir the mixture until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. But you can’t overheat the mixture, just warm it up. If desired, you can add flavoring.

  • Lay a towel on the table and pour pieces of ice onto it. It needs to be split into small pieces. To do this, cover the ice with the back of the towel and beat it with a rolling pin. The finer the ice, the more delicate the candle will turn out.

  • Glue the candle that you previously cut to the bottom of the glass. Place ice around it. Try to distribute it evenly throughout the pan.

  • Fill the candle mold with warm paraffin. Pour carefully so that the mixture has time to spread between the ice. The glass must be filled to the brim with the mixture.

  • Leave the candle to harden. This will take you less time, since the ice will help to quickly cool the mass. If you have formed depressions on top, then melt a small amount of paraffin and pour it on top of the mold.
  • To remove an openwork candle from a glass, carefully cut it at one edge and remove it. But do this over a container or sink, as water will remain in the hollows of the candle. After this, set the product to dry from moisture.

  • It is necessary to use a candle with an openwork pattern inside after it has completely dried. If you get an uneven bottom, then level it in a hot frying pan.

Important! The dishes that you will use to pour candles cannot be used for cooking.

How to make and decorate paraffin candles with your own hands?

For such an item you will need to prepare:

  • paraffin beads
  • food coloring (powder)
  • wick thread
  • ribbons for decoration
  • form (glass, metal or thick cardboard)

Blue paraffin candles

How to do it?

  1. Melt the base in a water bath in an enamel bowl.
  2. Lubricate the mold with Vaseline, this will make it easier for the candle to fall out of it.
  3. Secure the wick thread in the middle.
  4. Add food coloring powder to the paraffin and quickly stir the mixture.
  5. When the color becomes uniform over the entire surface, pour the base into a glass mold.
  6. After hardening, pull out the finished product.

IMPORTANT : You can make striped candles. To do this, equal portions of paraffin with various dyes should be poured into the mold in stages. Just remember to let the previous layer harden to avoid mixing of tones.

How to make candles in the shape of Easter eggs with your own hands - photo

Candles are an integral attribute of any holiday. They help to quickly decorate the interior of a room without much expense. Candles in the form of paints, which you can make yourself, can become an original decor for Easter days.

Prepare the following materials:

  • large chicken eggs;
  • wax mass;
  • awl or needle;
  • ready-made wicks;
  • wax crayons;
  • flavored oils.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions:

  • You can give candles the appearance of paint if you use eggshells as a form to fill them. It must be prepared in this way. Make a hole on one edge with an awl, and a small hole on the other. Blow out the contents of the egg and rinse it thoroughly in warm water. Leave the shell to dry thoroughly, as you will not be able to wipe it.
  • Grate the wax or chop it with a knife. Try to make pieces of the same size. Place it in a disposable cup and microwave for 1 minute. Then remove, stir and reheat for another 1 minute. Make sure that the mixture does not overheat.

  • Remove the packaging from the wax crayons and cut the colored wax as finely as possible. Pour it into the hot mixture and mix thoroughly. If the crayons have not completely dissolved, then put the container with wax in the microwave for another 30 seconds.
  • You should get a uniform color. To add more intensity to the shade, add more wax from colored pencils. When the mass has cooled a little, you can add flavors or essential oils.
  • When the shell is completely dry inside, attach the wick to the bottom. Pour some wax into the bottom of the mold and lower the wick. Hold it so that the mass hardens and the wick sticks to the shell.

  • Place the workpieces in containers so that they take a vertical position. Then carefully fill the case with warm wax. Pour it in a thin stream, as the hole in the shell is very narrow. Leave the candle base to harden.

  • Once the wax has hardened, first trim the wick to the desired height, then gently tap the shell and peel it off.
  • These candles can be placed on egg coasters and used to decorate a holiday table. They can also become an original gift.

  • If you leave the shells on, then there is no need to add dyes or wax crayons.

DIY Christmas tree candle

For the New Year holidays, a candle in the shape of a Christmas tree will be appropriate in any home. Moreover, making such a candle is quite simple if you show your imagination.

Christmas tree candle

For a paraffin Christmas tree you will need to prepare:

  • green food coloring powder
  • paraffin
  • beads
  • cardboard for mold
  • bumps
  • gold spray paint
  • wick


  1. Make a cone out of cardboard
  2. Place the wick inside the cone
  3. Melt paraffin
  4. Add green dye there, stir the composition
  5. Pour the mixture into a cone
  6. When it hardens, pull out the finished candle.
  7. Decorate the product with pre-painted beads and cones.

How to make figured candles for Valentine's Day at home - photo

To decorate a romantic evening, make unusually shaped candles. The case for them will not be a glass or mug, but ordinary cookie cutters.

Materials for work:

  • soy wax;
  • any flavoring;
  • red dye for wax;
  • baking sheet;
  • culinary parchment;
  • wick with a rigid base;
  • knife, spoon and melting container.


  • For this master class you will need a baking sheet with high sides. Cover it with parchment. You should also cover the sides of the dishes so as not to stain them with wax.

  • Grind the candle base in any convenient way. If you are working with paraffin, then cut the workpieces into small pieces and remove the wick. Melt the mixture in a water bath. When it becomes soft, pour in the dye. From this point on, you must constantly stir the mixture.

  • Cool the wax slightly, add your favorite essential oils. Stir thoroughly so that the aroma spreads evenly throughout the wax. Slowly pour it into a baking sheet, which you place on a flat surface. This way the layer will be the same throughout the entire workpiece. Leave the mixture to harden.

  • When the mixture begins to thicken, but has not yet taken on a solid state, use heart-shaped cookie cutters to make blanks. Push a hole for the wick in the central part. Leave the wax to harden further.
  • Then remove any excess trimmings. You can melt them again and use them to make other candles.
  • Now you need to assemble the product. To do this, take one piece and thread it through the wick. Glue it to the wax on the reverse side. Then string the rest of the hearts on top.

  • You can use the same shapes or different sizes to make candles. Also add different dyes or “play” with the intensity of the shade.

DIY candles made from tangerines and oranges: shapes, decorations

To make such a candle you will not need much time. But the appearance in the dark and the aroma of this product will pleasantly please you.

Tangerine candles

Prepare for a candle:

  • a couple of citrus fruits
  • wax
  • wick


  1. Carefully cut the orange peel horizontally
  2. Remove the orange pulp
  3. Wind a wick onto a wooden stick
  4. Place it in the center of the peel inside
  5. Place the stick on top of the zest
  6. Melt the wax in a water bath
  7. Fill it inside the space
  8. When it hardens, trim the wick.

How to make a long candle at home - photo

You can surprise guests at a birthday party with long candles. If you are interested in the question: how to make such beautiful candles, then carefully study the following instructions with step-by-step photos.

List of materials for making candles:

  • holiday candles;
  • lighter;
  • cutting board;
  • sharp knife.

How to make candles with your own hands:

  • Birthday candles are thin and small in size. By the time you get ready to take photos, they will have already burned out. Therefore, make long candles that will burn for a long time. To do this, remove two candles from the package and place them on a cutting board.
  • Connect them together. Make sure the wick of one candle is positioned above the thread of the other. Use a knife to make an equal horizontal cut. Use a lighter to melt one end of the candle. Carefully glue the two diagonal cuts, roll the candles between your fingers and let them harden. Glue the third candle in this way.

  • When you take out the cake, place candles on top of it and light it. Do this carefully, as such unusual decor is very fragile.

Making candles with your own hands at home is very simple. To do this, carefully follow the recommendations for choosing materials and tools, and also strictly follow the step-by-step instructions.

Wax candles: master class

The process of creating a wax candle with your own hands is striking in its simplicity and addictive. First, prepare the molds into which you will pour the wax - let it be a yogurt cup.

Use an awl to make a small hole in the middle of the bottom of the mold and insert about 3-5 centimeters of wick into it - this will be the top of the candle.

Place a stick on top of the mold and secure the second end of the wick to it with your own hands. Make sure that the thread is positioned clearly in the center of the mold, otherwise your candles will burn unevenly.

Now you can begin the process of creating your own candles.

  • Melt the base wax, broken into pieces, in a steam bath together with the selected dye. Stir the mixture constantly.
  • When the mixture becomes uniform in color and consistency, begin to gradually pour it into the mold. Don't do this too harshly so that the wax doesn't start to flow through the hole in the bottom for the wick. In addition, this may cause your candle to harden unevenly.
  • Leave the workpiece to cool at room temperature - you will need about 1-2 hours. But under no circumstances place the product in the refrigerator - the candle will harden into unsightly layers and sagging.

You can also find a master class on creating a beautiful colored candle in the following video tutorial.

Don’t forget to pre-lubricate the molds with detergent or vegetable oil - this will make it easier for you to pull out the candles with your own hands. If you cannot get the product out, hold the mold for a few seconds under warm running water.

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